Two men stand in a boat illuminated by fire. The man on the left has his arms raised, holding on to many different ropes connected to the necks of birds in front of the boat.
Youichiro Adachi, a cormorant fishing master known as an usho, holds leashes tied to the necks of cormorants as he prepares for cormorant fishing on the Nagara River in Oze, Seki, Japan.
  • Cormorant fishing has been a fishing method in Japan and China for over 1,300 years. 
  • Commercially popular fishing methods put the tradition at risk of disappearing. 
  • More sediment, falling water levels, and higher temperatures are making it harder to fish. 

Under the light of the moon, with sparkling fire swinging from the edge of their boats lighting their way, Gifu City's fishermen are ready to start their day.