Sam Bankman-Fried
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was found guilty of seven counts of fraud and conspiracy last month.
  • It has been a bad year for crypto, with prices crashing and key figures like SBF going to jail.
  • Experts say that crypto influencers and startups have responded by pivoting hard toward AI.
  • They warn that the steady influx of crypto refugees could help enflame AI's growing culture war.

At a crypto convention in 2021, Celsius co-founder and CTO Nuke Goldstein could barely contain his enthusiasm for the brave new world of the blockchain.

"When you work in crypto you are working on a rollercoaster, it's fun but it's crazy," he said, in a video posted to Celsius' YouTube channel. "But you wake up every morning and you know you are changing the world."