Google sign and former google recruiter
  • Matt Opramolla has been a recruiter for over 5 years.
  • He says oversharing during an interview and accepting an offer immediately makes you look desperate.
  • Keep your answers concise, and always negotiate the terms of your job offer.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Matt Opramolla, a 32-year-old recruiter. It has been edited for length and clarity.

I started my career in sales and quickly transitioned into working for Indeed's internal startup agency called Indeed Hire. I did well there — I loved the work I was doing and knew I wanted to move into corporate recruiting.

Then I got a job at Google as a recruiter. I got to hire and work with some of the most amazing people. I also got to work on really impactful scalable hiring initiatives across the company. That was one of the best parts, and it was my favorite job.