Louise Castonguay is a social media specialist at Flashfood.
Louise Castonguay is a social media specialist at Flashfood.
  • Louise Castonguay graduated in 2018 and started a flexible job with a small social media agency. 
  • She said the lack of a consistent hours and work in her flexible role was demoralizing . 
  • Starting a 9-to-5 job felt like a rite of passage and helped her carve out a career path. 

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Louise Castonguay, a 26-year-old who started a 9-to-5 job in Toronto in 2020. Her employment has been verified by Insider. The text has been edited for length and clarity. 

I've worked as a social media specialist at a discount grocery app called Flashfood in a remote, 9-to-5 position since 2020. I used to have a more flexible job, but I quit because I wanted the security of a 9-to-5.