Israeli airstrikes hit a residential area in al Maghazi refugee camp, killing at least 86 people.
Israeli airstrikes hit a residential area in al Maghazi refugee camp, killing at least 86 people. Israel's military said Thursday this strike caused
  • The Israeli military said its Dec. 24 airstrikes on a refugee camp caused "unintended harm."
  • Two airstrikes hit seven buildings and killed at least 86 people.
  • This appears to be the IDF's first admission that it has used excessive force in its air war.

For seemingly the first time, Israel has said an attack in its air war that harmed civilians in Gaza went too far.

Israeli fighter jets launched attacks on a refugee camp in central Gaza on Sunday that killed at least 86 people, including women and children.

The Israeli military now says the bombing caused "unintended harm" to civilians.