Lauren Savoie holding a sign that says Kansas
Lauren Savoie
  • From 2020 to 2021, 85% of homebuyers ages 31 to 40 bought either in a suburb or small town.
  • Many of these movers left big cities for less costly homes, but found it wasn't worth the tradeoff.
  • Have you moved out of a city and regret it? Business Insider wants to hear from you.

Lauren Savoie, 34, traded Boston for Manhattan, Kansas, a college town with a population of less than 55,000, in 2022.

Savoie and her husband, who's enrolled in the local college, get more bang for their buck, spending the same $1,700 in rent they paid in Boston for an extra bedroom and better appliances in Kansas. But the peaceful respite they were hoping for turned out to be, well, boring.