Donald Trump.
Former President Donald Trump.
  • Former President Donald Trump is well-known for his appeal to working-class GOP voters.
  • But college graduates, who at one point wavered on Trump's 2024 bid, are now back in the fold.
  • Trump's support from this group has been critical in building his leads in most of the early-voting states.

During Donald Trump's first presidential campaign, he quickly become a favorite of the working-class voting bloc that has become an increasingly influential part of the Republican coalition.

These voters, who have been among Trump's most stalwart backers in poll after poll assessing the 2024 GOP primaries, are set to give him a significant edge in Iowa and South Carolina, as well as upcoming primaries across the country.

But there is one GOP bloc that had seemingly wavered on Trump but is now back in the former president's corner: college-educated voters.