Gen Zer working on a computer
Gen Z workers are prioritizing their personal lives and well-being over working.
  • A future-of-work expert said Gen Z "work to live" because they watched older generations suffer. 
  • Speaking to Business Insider at Davos, Ravin Jesuthasan said Gen Z doesn't see the same rewards for hard work.
  • As a result, they don't want to put work first at the expense of their personal life and wellbeing. 

Gen Z is choosing to "work to live'' rather than "live to work" like the generations before them because they're reaping fewer rewards for their hard work, an expert on the future of work told Business Insider. 

Ravin Jesuthasan, global leader for transformation services at consulting giant Mercer, and future-of-work expert, spoke to BI at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this week, and he touched on the topic of Gen Z in the workplace.