Shoji Morimoto (right) with a client (left in a cafe in Tokyo.
Shoji Morimoto (right) with a client (left) in a cafe in Tokyo.
  • Shoji Morimoto started a "Rental Person" service in 2018, where he's hired to do absolutely nothing.
  • The introvert says the job gives him a "similar kind of passive entertainment" as watching TV.
  • "You could say my lack of individuality has become my 'product,'" he wrote in his memoir.

Shoji Morimoto has an interesting occupation: He rents himself out to clients who want him to do absolutely nothing.

Morimoto, who began his "Rental Person" service in 2018, says he has been hired more than 4,000 times. His past assignments have ranged from the banal to the bizarre.