Jess Carpenter with her husband, Christian, and baby, Heath, outside their mobile home in Sarasota, Florida.
Jess Carpenter with her husband, Christian, and baby, Heath, outside their mobile home in Sarasota, Florida.
  • Mobile homes — a type of manufactured house — are a more affordable option for many. 
  • Jess Carpenter and her family are living in and renovating their mobile home in Sarasota, Florida.
  • Housing advocates want to get rid of many regulations that bar manufactured homes from communities. 

Jess Carpenter and her husband had never considered living in a mobile home when they moved to Florida from Baltimore, Maryland in April 2022. But after spending most of a year in a $3,000-per-month rental apartment in Sarasota while struggling to find an affordable house to buy in the area, they reconsidered their quest for traditional homeownership.