Community faith leaders gather with candles in their hands for a prayer vigil in front of the US Capitol.
Community faith leaders gather for a prayer vigil on the second anniversary of the January 6 attack on the Capitol in Washington, DC. Speakers called for an end to Christian nationalism and denounced political violence.
  • An ethics professor told BI about his book "Defending Democracy from its Christian Enemies."
  • In it, author David Gushee warns that reactionary Christians are leading the US to authoritarianism.
  • Conservative Christians' draw to Trump could help him win in 2024, a "disastrous" outcome per Gushee.

As we head into one of the most significant election years the nation has faced in recent history, David Gushee, a Baptist pastor and professor of Christian ethics at Mercer University, warns that democracy itself is facing a grave threat from an unlikely source: his fellow Christians.