An aerial shot of a Las Vegas neighborhood with mountains in the background.
Real-estate agents agree Las Vegas is an up-and-coming, affordable option for movers.
  • Some movers are giving up on Los Angeles and Dallas for smaller cities in Texas and Nevada.
  • These inland destinations have a lower cost of living and other perks like accessible nature.
  • Movers are taking a chance on these up-and-coming cities and saving money by relocating.

As major cities from New York to Austin continue to grow pricier, movers are turning their sights to a spate of regional hubs that offer some of the perks of city living — but for a cheaper price tag.

Some of these cities are rebranding in what they're known for, and others offer extras to show off what they're about. One common thread that ties these cities together is the cost of living, often lower than in popular cities but without a dropoff in quality of life.