A video still shows flames and a plume of smoke can be seen through a crowded nighttime street as a Waymo taxi is engulfed in flames in San Francisco on February 10, 2024.
A Waymo self-driving robo-taxi is engulfed in flames in San Francisco on Saturday.
  • A Waymo robo-taxi was set on fire Saturday by a crowd in San Francisco.
  • The motive is unclear, but mistrust toward driverless technology in the city is high.
  • There have been multiple accidents since the city greenlighted expanding robo-taxi services.

A San Francisco crowd torched a Waymo robo-taxi on Saturday night, the local fire department said, amid ongoing mistrust of driverless technology in the city.

The vehicle was "surrounded and then graffiti'd, windows were broken, and firework lit on fire inside the vehicle," a post on X by the San Francisco Fire Department said. It was reduced to an ashen shell.