Nupur Dave
Nupur Dave retired at 40 but decided to rejoin the corporate world the same year.
  • Nupur Dave retired at 40 after working jobs at Google and startups.
  • She became part of the FIRE — financial independence, retire early — community.
  • Days later, she realized the early-retirement lifestyle wasn't for her, like many others.

Nupur Dave thought her decision to retire at age 40 in 2022 was an easy one.

At the time, she was living in Bengaluru, India. She had worked at Google for 10 years in the company's Atlanta, Mountain View, and Bengaluru offices. In addition to that, she had worked for startups, was secure about her finances, and was confident a corporate 9-to-5 was no longer for her.

"I quit my job on a Friday," Dave told Business Insider.