Man wearing 3 layers of hoodies
Henry Wang is a Product Marketing Manager, who worked at Google for 4 years.
  • Henry Wang's 2013 resume landed him interviews from Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, and Google.
  • In hindsight, Wang would have added a summary and result-oriented phrases to his resume.
  • Wang worked at Google for four years, first in policy and then in marketing.

Henry Wang was in his first year out of college, having graduated from the University of California, Irvine, when his boss gave him a suggestion.

Wang's manager at the City of New York advised him to try his hand at legal work before applying to law school. He agreed and worked as a litigation paralegal at a law firm for a year.

"That's when I realized I hate what lawyers do. I don't want to be a lawyer," Wang told Business Insider in a video call.