Jeremy Grantham
Jeremy Grantham.
  • Jeremy Grantham issued warnings about stocks, real estate, and the economy this week.
  • The elite investor predicted the AI bubble would pop, bringing down the stock market with it.
  • Grantham slammed the Fed for creating asset bubbles, and flagged climate change as a key concern.

Jeremy Grantham rang the alarm on a sprawling real estate bubble, warned US stocks are heavily overvalued and could disappoint for the next decade, and declared the booming American economy is divorced from reality.

The GMO cofounder and long-term investment strategist predicted the AI frenzy would fizzle and take down the stock market with it.

The market historian also tore into the Federal Reserve for repeatedly inflating asset bubbles, and reeled off climate change, dwindling resources, and population decline as critical long-term threats.