A crowd of Texans at the state fair.
Young millennials of color are driving Texas' population boom.
  • In 2023, Texas welcomed 473,000 new residents, the most of all 50 states.
  • The state's recent growth can be largely attributed to communities of color.
  • People of color who moved to Texas said they were attracted by jobs and more-affordable homes.

When Jasmine Cambridge moved from Atlanta to Austin, she was thrilled to meet more people like herself.

Cambridge said most Black people she's met since her 2023 move to Texas are, like her, originally from somewhere else.

"Austin is up-and-coming, fertile soil," said Cambridge, a 25-year-old server at a steakhouse who wants to work in marketing. "I've talked to a lot of people who have moved to Austin — especially people of color — about how there's so much financial opportunity here."