Susan Skinner
Susan Skinner has found methods to help avoid loneliness as she gets older.
  • After Susan Skinner's husband died, she worried she would get lonely.
  • The 71-year-old decided to prioritize social connections through weekly "Taco Tuesdays."
  • She's also found success calling people on her contact list with whom she hasn't spoken in a while.

When Susan Skinner, 71, went to a recent doctor's appointment, she was surprised that the doctor asked her about her social activities.

"She's never asked a question like that before," Skinner told Business Insider.

The appointment happened about a year after her husband died, and Skinner said the doctor likely wanted to be sure she wasn't isolating herself in the grieving process. While Skinner said she wasn't in isolation, she was happy — thinking back on it — that her doctor asked that question.