Ukrainian troops defeated Russia's attempt to seize Hostomel airport near Kyiv in the war's opening days in 2022.
Ukrainian troops defeated Russia's attempt to seize Hostomel airport near Kyiv in the war's opening days in 2022.
  • Russia's attempt to seize Hostomel airport in 2022 was part of a "well-established playbook."
  • "Appreciation of this playbook is key for states who might find themselves in the crosshairs," experts wrote.
  • Even though Russia may dwarf a small state, that doesn't guarantee a successful airport seizure.

Here's some advice for nations who don't want Russian troops as uninvited guests: Guard your airport.

That's the recommendation from two American defense experts who point to a pattern in Russian operations over the last 50 years: when the Kremlin wants to occupy another nation, it goes for the airport.