Ayahna Wilbon sits on her bed in Chicago
A.W. has lived in Chicago, Illinois for nine years. She told Business Insider she regrets not moving to Texas when she had the chance.
  • AW, 27, is a YouTuber who almost moved from Chicago to Texas in 2021.
  • She had signed a lease and packed up her old apartment when she suddenly had a change of heart.
  • She said she now regrets not moving and hopes others will embrace the unknown.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with AW, a 27-year-old YouTuber who works in advertising and lives in Chicago. AW was hired by Facebook in 2021 and made plans to move to Texas for her new role. But at the last minute, she decided to skip the move and stay in Chicago ā€” a decision she says she now regrets.