Photo illustration of a man with luggage and a Canadian flag in the background.
After November, Europe could well become what Canada was for draft dodgers during the Vietnam War: a political asylum for Americans fed up with their own country.

Late last year, my wife and I closed on a deal for an apartment in a hilltop town in Umbria. Soon after, I posted a question for my fellow participants in a Facebook group called Expats in Italy: "Is it just my imagination, but is there an uptick in Americans, in particular, looking to purchase property in Italy?" As the responses poured in, many of them sounded a distinct thematic note.

From a woman in Montana who was planning to move to Tuscany: "Yes, it's true! I bought a hilltop village home … for a song compared to US prices. Don't want to be in US anymore. It's expensive and sick of all the political crap and shootings."