A photo montage shows Barack Obama (left) Elon Musk (middle) and Jeff Bezos (right)
A photo montage shows Barack Obama (left) Elon Musk (middle) and Jeff Bezos (right).
  • Barack Obama hit out at Silicon Valley tycoons' aspirations to colonize Mars.
  • Earth would be more liveable than Mars "even after a nuclear war" and climate change, he said.
  • It comes as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos test mega-rockets that could take humans to the red planet. 

Barack Obama took a shot at the likes of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos by saying that Earth would be more liveable than the red planet "even after a nuclear war."

Speaking on Wednesday, the former US president said that Silicon Valley "tycoons, many of whom are building spaceships," should be focusing on saving Earth rather than investing in flying humans off to space.