An employee halves a Subway sandwich at a Subway restaurant on January 12, 2023 in Austin, Texas.
  • Owners and managers at 10 Subway stores in Washington state illegally took money from staff tip pools, the Labor Department says.
  • The stores also reduced staff's hours on their timecards to avoid paying overtime, the DOL said.
  • The stores have now given $196,000 in tips, overtime wages, and liquidated damages to 100 affected workers.

Owners and managers at 10 Subway stores in Washington state illegally kept $80,000 in staff tips, the Department of Labor says.

The stores, which were under common ownership, let owners and managers take part in the pools for tips left on credit-card payments, the DOL said in a press release on Tuesday. 100 workers lost out on tips because of this, the DOL said.