Soviet Submarine And US Aircraft Carrier Collide
In this aerial image, a Soviet Union submarine is seen after colliding with U.S. Kitty Hawk on March 22, 1984 in at sea.
  • Forty years ago today, a Soviet submarine collided with the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk.
  • The collision occurred as the sub was spying on US warships amid Cold War tensions.
  • It was the third instance of a Soviet vessel colliding with an American one in just five months.

Late at night on March 21, 1984, sailors aboard the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk felt a sudden jolt while sailing in the Sea of Japan.

Those aboard the carrier didn't know it yet, but their 80,000-ton ship had just collided with a 5,200-ton Soviet attack submarine. The surprise collision came amid heightened Cold War tensions between the US and Soviet Union.