The Radia WindRunner in a field surrounded by wind turbines. It is unloading a giant turbine.
Radia wants to ship giant turbines around the world via a behemoth cargo plane called WindRunner.
  • Radia, a Colorado-based startup, wants to build the world's largest cargo plane.
  • Billed the WindRunner, the plane's sole purpose is to carry oversized wind turbine blades.
  • The company aims to deliver turbine blades that are difficult to ship by ground.

A Colorado-based startup wants to build the world's largest cargo plane that's about the length of a football field.

Its sole purpose: to deliver giant wind turbine blades.

Radia — founded in 2016 by MIT-educated rocket scientist Mark Lundstrom — says it wants to usher in the next phase of wind energy by solving a logistics problem attached to installing larger wind turbines.