A Ukrainian soldier of the Khartia brigade fires an AK-47 pellet gun from a trench during a training as the Russia-Ukraine war continues in Donetsk oblast, Ukraine, on February 7, 2024.
A Ukrainian soldier of the Khartia brigade fires an AK-47 pellet gun from a trench during a training as the Russia-Ukraine war continues in Donetsk oblast, Ukraine, on February 7, 2024.
  • Western militaries aren't ready to fight wars of attrition like the  Ukraine war, a former Army officer argues.
  • Great power conflict may not be quick and decisive and could boil down to attrition.
  • The war in Ukraine has shed light on what resources and preparations are needed to win.

There's a real possibility that a future great-power war might look a lot like Ukraine, and Western militaries aren't as ready as they should be for this kind of long, bloody fight, a former Army officer argued in a new article.