Woman in business suit, Baishakhi Connor
Baishakhi Connor moved to Australia 15 years ago.
  • Baishakhi Connor spent over a year looking for a job in Australia.
  • Connor looks back on the resume and what she would change now.
  • It's important to tailor resumes according to local norms, she said.

Baishakhi Connor had been working for seven years — first in tech and then investment banking — when she was laid off during the peak of the financial crisis.

Around the same time, she married an Australian and decided to move to Australia. Connor had prior work experience in India, the UK, and Hong Kong, and she decided to try to find work in her new home country, too.

"At that stage, despite having quite a significant global career, it was very difficult for me to break into the Australian job market," she told Business Insider.