Helen Chandler-Wilde
Helen Chandler-Wilde lost everything in a fire.
  • Helen Chandler-Wilde's belongings had been packed up into storage while she stayed with her parents after a break-up. 
  • But then she got a call that a fire at the unit had destroyed everything she owned. 
  • Losing everything was hard, she told BI. But it reframed her thinking about how much you really need to be happy. 

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Helen Chandler-Wilde about what it was like to lose all of her possessions in a fire. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

I only heard about the fire a few days after it happened.

I was 25 at the time and living with my parents for a few months following a breakup. All my belongings had been packed into storage while I looked for somewhere new to live.