Man standing at Google moss wall
Zubin Pratap restarted his career at 38 after realizing he was passionate about tech.
  • Zubin Pratap, a former lawyer, decided to transition to the tech industry at 38 years old.
  • He landed his first tech job by networking and shortlisting best-fit employers.
  • Though he worked at Google, he said his big break was a small startup that took a risk on him.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Zubin Pratap, a software engineer based in Melbourne. It has been edited for length and clarity. Business Insider has verified his employment history.

I started law school in the late nineties.

By the time I graduated in 2003, the dot-com boom had happened, the dot-com bust had happened, Google had been invented, and the internet had become mainstream.