The Royal Navy destroyer HMS Diamond intercepted a missile fired by Houthi militants at a merchant ship.
The Royal Navy destroyer HMS Diamond intercepted a missile fired by Houthi militants at a merchant ship.
  • A UK warship on Wednesday destroyed a Houthi ballistic missile likely targeting a commercial ship.
  • It marked the Royal Navy's first such kill since the Gulf War, according to a report.
  • A 1991 engagement marked the first time ship-launched anti-air missiles successfully destroyed an enemy missile in naval combat.

A UK warship on Wednesday shot down a ballistic missile fired by the Houthis in Yemen, marking the Royal Navy's first such kill since the Gulf War more than 30 years ago.

The HMS Diamond, a Type 45 destroyer, used its advanced Sea Viper missile interceptors to down the deadly Houthi threat while the warship was protecting a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden, according to a new report.