A penis balloon with a picture of Jack Smith floats outside Trump's criminal trial. In another moment, a protestor confronts GOP lawmakers.
The wild scene outside former President Donald Trump's criminal trial rose to a new level Thursday when visitors released penis-shaped balloons and protestors heckled GOP lawmakers.
  • Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen spent his third day on the stand in the NY hush money trial.
  • As his testimony droned on, the real show was outside, where political stunts were plentiful.
  • There were penis-shaped balloons, and chants of "Beetlejuice!" during a speech by Lauren Boebert.

It was just after noon when giant, agitprop penises began flying past the sooty limestone facade of the criminal court in Manhattan.

It was just one of the political pranks seen outside the hush-money trial Thursday — and it was a heck-of-a-lot more interesting than the testimony droning on inside.