A Mt. Everest cimber prepares to cross a crevasse in the Khumbu Icefall
Navigating the Khumbu Icefall involves crossing ladders laid over crevasses that can be up to hundreds of feet deep.
  • The 2024 Mount Everest climbing season was delayed due to crumbling ice in the Khumbu Icefall. 
  • The Khumbu Icefall is one of the most dangerous obstacles to cross on the path to Everest's summit.
  • As global temperatures rise due to climate change, this icefall will only become more treacherous.

Climbing Mt. Everest is a dangerous endeavor right from the start. Before climbers summiting via the South Col route can even make it to Camp 1, they must face one of the deadliest passages of all. A 1.6-mile stretch of slowly cascading ice just above Base Camp called the Khumbu Icefall.