He proved the My Pillow Guy wrong about election fraud and won $5 million.
"Some people believe the world's out to get them because they think they are doing everything rationally but the world is not acting rationally in response," says Bob Zeidman. "That's the way Lindell is."

Eight months into Joe Biden's presidency, the MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell, staged an event in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, that he promised would return Donald Trump to the White House. The three-day Cyber Symposium revolved around a mysterious cache of computer data that Lindell had surreptitiously acquired. In his telling, the data proved that Chinese hackers had manipulated American voting machines into securing Biden's victory.

"The election was stolen, and we're proving it right here, aren't we?" Lindell crowed to some 200 attendees on the first night, sweating through his suit. "President Trump is the rightful president, are you with me?"