For sale sign
  • Jamey and Lauren Bertram's house, worth over $1 million, was posted on Zillow without their consent.
  • A scammer listed the house for just $10,000, asking interested buyers to wire $200 to secure a tour.
  • Some scammers can target eager buyers in a housing market with few reasonably priced homes for sale.

Picture waking up one day to find your inbox flooded and doorbell ringing with eager buyers all clamoring to purchase your home.

In this sluggish real estate market, it might seem like a dream — that is, if you're actually looking to sell.

For Kansas City homeowners Jamey and Lauren Bertram, the situation turned into a nightmarish ordeal when they realized their 5,300-square-foot home, purchased for around $1 million in 2019, had been falsely listed for sale on Zillow for a mere $10,000.