A collage of Seb, a supercommuter, and a train in Germany from his TikTok
Seb travels for an average of five hours to get to his office in London from his home in Hamburg.
  • Seb lives in Hamburg, Germany but works in London.
  • After his team switched to more in-person work this year, he started commuting five hours to the office.
  • It allows him to live with his partner in Hamburg while keeping the job he loves in London. 

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Seb, 32, about his commute from Hamburg to London for work. He chronicles the commute on TikTok. The following has been edited for length and clarity. He wishes to keep his last name anonymous, but Business Insider has verified his identity and his employment.

After meeting my partner while traveling a few years ago, my being English and her being German meant that we spent a lot of time flitting between both countries.