Leonardo DiCaprio holding Kate Winslet
Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in "Titanic."
  • Kate Winslet says filming the "I'm flying" scene in "Titanic" was a "nightmare."
  • The iconic scene required four reshoots due to lighting and makeup issues.
  • "Every young girl in the world wanted to be kissed by Leonardo DiCaprio," Winslet told Vanity Fair. "It was not all it's cracked up to be."

In a film full of memorable scenes, there's one in James Cameron's 1997 epic "Titanic" that stands out for its pure romance: The "I'm flying" scene, in which Kate Winslet's Rose and Leonardo DiCaprio's Jack share a passionate kiss on the ship's bow as the Céline Dion song "My Heart Will Go On" plays in the background.

But in reality, the scene was a nightmare to film. At least, according to Kate Winslet.