Gaurav Singh
Gaurav Singh launched his own search fund earlier this year.
  • Gaurav Singh founded a fund to buy software companies after his Harvard MBA.
  • He shifted to search funds after struggling to gain traction with startups.
  • Singh thought the search fund offered a path to leadership and flexibility.

During his MBA at Harvard Business School, Gaurav Singh pursued a tennis coaching app that didn't gain much traction with venture capitalists.

The app ultimately failed, and after graduation, he worked for a year and a half at an artificial intelligence startup in Toronto before exploring other avenues. He landed on an option that's becoming increasingly popular with top MBAs and entrepreneurs: launching his own search fund.

In February, Singh, 31, founded Guddi Growth. The Toronto-based search fund focuses on buying software-as-a-service companies with annual recurring revenue of at least $5 million.