USS Constitution in the Boston Harbor in August 2019.
USS Constitution in the Boston Harbor in August 2019.
  • USS Constitution is the only remaining US Navy ship to have sunk an enemy warship in battle.
  • It is also the oldest commissioned warship in the world that's still afloat, and it's full of history.
  • Business Insider embarked on the 226-year-old frigate for a recent underway in the Boston Harbor.

With sea shanties blaring on the loudspeaker and onlookers taking pictures from the shore, USS Constitution slowly pulled away from the pier on a blistering hot day in mid-June.

This US Navy warship, at well over 200 years old, is not like the sea service's other ships, though. It is basically a floating museum, but with a bit of a twist. Unlike others, it hasn't been decommissioned.