Anthony Mays
Anthony Mays got hooked on computers and coding when he was seven.
  • Anthony Mays landed a job at Google in 2013 after a previous failed interview attempt.
  • Mays started coding at seven and had a bank programming job in high school and college.
  • He now runs a tech career consultancy and advises on impactful résumé writing strategies.

Anthony Mays was first introduced to coding when he was seven, playing with a toy computer.

"I was very attracted to the idea that I could make things and that I could own the things that I make," Mays told Business Insider.

While still in high school, he got his first job as a programmer analyst for a local bank.

He continued to intern at the bank every summer in college and landed his first full time job there after graduating from the University of California, Irvine, in 2006.