An American flag bar graph with a downward stock arrow
  • Recession risk in the US is rising, says economist David Rosenberg of Rosenberg Research.
  • Rosenberg's analysis shows 45% of recession indicators have been triggered, up from 10% in 2022.
  • He advises diversifying portfolios with Treasurys, gold, and defensive stocks like utilities.

The probability of a recession hitting the US economy is rising after a flurry of signals have flashed in recent weeks and months.

That's according to economist David Rosenberg of Rosenberg Research, who compiled a list of recessionary indicators in a note on Friday.

"What is the best recession indicator? That's a hard question to answer — why not dodge it completely and just look at all of them?" Rosenberg asked.

Rosenberg's compilation of 20 recessionary indicators comes as the US economy continues its resilient run, defying recession callers.