
Star Wars has been a fixture of video games for decades, and spanned almost every possible genre and platform you could reasonably think of.


Ahsoka’s fifth episode, “Shadow Warrior,” puts its titular protagonist back into her own past, as she navigated her history at the front line of the Clone War.


“Star Wars! Nothing but Star Wars! Give me those Star Wars! Don’t let them end...” Just as Bill Murray said it in 1978, we’re still saying it today.


This was it. The Anakin Skywalker episode. After the legendary character—Ahsoka Tano’s former Jedi master—showed up at the end of the previous episode, hype and expectations were at an all-time high. This episode of Ahsoka was even playing on the big screen in certain cities.


Another Tano Tuesday is upon us, and Ahsoka is setting up what could be its biggest week yet. With just four more episodes to go, including tonight’s, it feels like the show has so much ground left to cover...


Ahsoka’s metaphysical step into the unknown in the climax of last week’s episode,


The Jedi Order, and specifically the Council that leads it, has made a lot of mistakes throughout its long history, especially in the declining days of


Our understanding of the Force in most Star Wars rarely matches the most esoteric imaginings a mystical energy field connecting all living things should be capable of.