
Threads search is blocking terms like “Covid,” “vaccines,” “long Covid,” and others, but it is reportedly only temporary according to Instagram’s head, Adam Mosseri.


Meta’s flirtation with innovation has been, at best, poorly panning out and, at worst, delightfully creepy. The latter best describes the case of the tech company’s new foray into AI with machine-generated personas.



Regulators in the EU sent letters to Meta, TikTok, and X/Twitter Thursday, giving the platforms 24 hours to address misinformation and other “illegal” content related to the Israel-Hamas war. It’s hard to say exactly what’s happening on these platforms, however, especially when it comes to the algorithmically defined…



When the Arab Spring unfolded just over ten years ago, Twitter played a pivotal role. The site was both a source for up-to-the-minute information and an organizing tool for protestors, and some celebrated Twitter as part of a new, digital revolution. But this week, a less hopeful moment in the Middle East proved once…



How’s that whole metaverse thing going? Well, according to one top analyst’s sales expectations for the Quest 3 mixed reality headset, not as well as Meta might hope.


Meta’s continued experiments with piloting us into a half-baked future appear to be backfiring. After announcing more customer-facing AI features on Meta platforms in September, the company’s new sticker generation tool is letting some choice phrases and prompts go unchecked.


Meta’s bread and butter has long been its user-centric targeted ad business, but European regulations are forcing the company to rethink how it can monetize its ostensibly free social platforms. The answer? Make users pay up if they prefer not to let their data be used to sell them products.



Watching the Meta Quest 3 being announced by Meta made me realize something – the hardware available for virtual, augmented and mixed reality is finally catching up with the big idea pitches everyone had about this concept called the “metaverse” a couple of years ago.


The kids are not all right and are being subject to a firehouse of pinging in the thick of the Information Age. A new report reveals that children are getting upwards of 4,500 notifications a day and have some predictable favorite (and least favorite) apps.



Anyone who has used H&R Block’s tax return preparation services in recent years may have unintentionally helped line Meta and Google’s pockets.