Tech Insider
X verification blue check mark
Twitter's blue check mark is back for some people, but not everyone is happy.

Elon Musk reinvented the blue checkmark Wednesday night, regressing to an old Twitter policy where anyone with a certain amount of status gets a check. Now, accounts with more than 2,500 verified subscriber followers automatically received a blue checkmark for free.


Elon Musk helped publicize a claim that “illegals” are registering to vote in several U.S. states on Tuesday. But, like so many of Musk’s tweets on X recently, the billionaire’s fearmongering crumbles under the smallest amount of scrutiny. And in this case, the state of Texas is calling bullshit.

Tech Insider
Elon Musk holding his hands up.
Elon Musk is handing out blue ticks on X, but some users just don't want it.
Tech Insider
Elon Musk in a gray jacket and white dress shirt reacts in front of a purple and yellow step-repeat background.
Elon Musk is the world's richest person.
Tech Insider : Technology

Elon Musk has amassed a fortune. His net worth hovers around $200 billion. But because the majority of his wealth is tied to Tesla shares and stock options, it dips and rises every day. See how he became one of the world's richest people — and where he spends his money.

Tech Insider
elon burns
Tech Insider : Politics
Mark Cuban (left) and Elon Musk (right).
Mark Cuban (left) and Elon Musk (right).
Tech Insider : Economy
A nuclear explosion on a computer screen
The algorithms that undergird our digital lives are increasingly making questionable decisions that enrich the powerful and wreck the lives of average people.
Tech Insider
side-by-side of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates
Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates have some reading advice.