Tech Insider : Economy
Many Texas manufacturing businesses are feeling gloomy about the economy.
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US gasoline prices
Prices at the pump hit a record high in June but have since cooled somewhat.
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Oil refinery
Global oil demand will likely meet its peak this decade.
Tech Insider : Economy
gas pump
A New York City cab driver fills his taxi on July 2, 2008.
Tech Insider : Economy
Israeli army tanks gathered near the Gaza border.
The Israeli army deployed troops and armored vehicles to the Gaza border as the deadline to evacuate northern Gaza approached.
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israel evacuation
Residents of the southern Israeli city of Netivot bordering the Gaza Strip wait near a bus before being evacuated to central Israel on October 7, 2023.
Tech Insider
ExxonMobil plans to acquire a major shale producer for $60 billion, entrenching its future in oil and gas for decades.