
During a combative Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, Senate lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle doubled down on calls to gut major provisions of the internet’s most important legal liability shield.


This week, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases that could upend the way we’ve come to understand freedom of speech on the internet. Both Gonzalez v.


The future of online expression, as it’s currently understood, could come down to five hours of oral arguments held in the Supreme Court’s chambers this week. Justices heard from lawyers both attacking and defending Big Tech’s strongest legal shield: Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.


This week, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases that could upend the way we’ve come to understand freedom of speech on the internet. Both Gonzalez v.


U.S. Supreme Court justices may be many things, but they definitely aren’t social media experts. The justices roasted themselves during oral arguments Tuesday of a case against Google that could determine the fate of nearly all speech online. Tech companies and advocates fear a ruling against Google could…


This week, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases that could upend the way we’ve come to understand freedom of speech on the internet. Both Gonzalez v.


The Supreme Court’s ruling on a pair of ISIS terrorism cases this week will rest on the nine justices’ interpretation of 26 words written in 1996 that collectively have come to define the nature and scope of modern online expression.


Where does Wikipedia, the world’s most-visited repository of information on the internet, stand without guaranteed digital liability protections? It’s a question weighing heavy on the people who make up the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that administers the site containing 58 million articles in…