Tech Insider : Economy, Politics, Travel
Collage featuring a Welcome to Florida The Sunshine State highway sign with rear view of people carrying moving boxes, and walking towards the sign
People are flocking to Florida, and it's not just because of the sunshine and beaches.

There's a battle for people brewing — and the Sunshine State is winning

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Collage featuring the hand of financial person pouring coins into a college/university building coin slot, with two graduates watching
Billionaire donors have warped the university's priorities from providing an effective education to steering profit-generating ventures.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
A student nervously tries between two piggy banks, one with the American flag on it and the other with a bandit mask on.
Student loan refinancing companies like SoFi, Lendkey, and Navient offer big savings. But they also come with a big cost.
Tech Insider : Economy
illustration dating
Instead of relying on dating apps or meeting a stranger, Gen Z is increasingly finding romance in their friend groups.

Young people are adopting an old-fashioned solution for the humiliation and hassle of dating apps

Tech Insider
A human hand holding a stack of paper work and a robot hand coming in and making the paperwork disappear

I get more emails than I can handle. Every day, I watch as the unread messages in my inbox pile up despite my best efforts. It's not because I spend too much time responding to the emails that matter — I spend too much time reading the ones that don't. 

Tech Insider
Person using the app mentioned in the story is experiencing waves of calming emotions wash over them.
Most of us are helplessly addicted to our phones. I tried a new app that can help you reclaim your time.

A simple trick can cure your addiction to social media

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Illustration of a figure in profile filled with a vibrantly colored city and light beams emanating from a window, surrounded by grey smoke
City downtowns aren't doomed — the rise of remote work is about to spark the Big City Renaissance.

America's great cities are in a precarious spot.

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
An hourglass shape filled with houses, suitcases, cars, and money at the top and a hand pinching the middle.
Boomers have created a bottleneck of workers and housing, crippling the economy for millennials and Gen Z.

Their greed destroyed the economy — and now millennials and Gen Z are paying the price

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics, Climate Crisis
photo composite of aerial view of waves crashing onto a shore crowded with colorful umbrellas
Climate change is making disasters like hurricanes more devastating and frequent, and Floridians are already being forced to flee.

The state's climate exodus has already begun

Tech Insider : Economy
A row of people working on a laptop with robot heads
Behind the AI chatbots and delivery robots are human workers, hidden from sight, keeping everything running.

Meet the hidden human workforce behind the boom in artificial intelligence