Tech Insider
  • Zulie Rane is a content creator who has more than 80,000 followers on Medium. 
  • Rane says that the first dollar is the hardest to earn online, and then tried five ways to do it.
  • She made money with affiliate links, by playing games, and by becoming a paid digital guinea pig.

I'm done. 

Tech Insider
Duke Alexander Moore
Duke Alexander Moore quit his job as a forklift driver to start his own firm.
Tech Insider
Wynter Karo (left) and Alice Parmiter (right), co-founders of tequila brand Pimentae
Friends Wynter Karo (left) and Alice Parmiter (right), co-founded of tequila brand Pimentae in 2020.
Tech Insider
worker looking stressed at their desk
If you suspect someone in your ranks is quitting quietly, Thompson recommends that you first consider the possibility that you could be misreading their behavior.