Tech Insider
  • Baby eels are a delicacy in Spain.
  • A single kilogram can reach thousands of dollars at auction.
  • To reach just 1 kilo, fishers need to catch 3,000 eels.

Angulas are the young of the European eel.

Tech Insider
  • Panela is beloved in Colombia, where it is a go-to sweetener over the more processed white sugar.
  • Depending on where it is made, panela can cost up to 17,000 pesos per kilogram.
  • In the US, it can cost 20 times more than white sugar.

Panela is beloved in Colombia,

Tech Insider
  • Fine-grained soot made by slowly burning vegetable oil is best for high-quality calligraphy ink.
  • The producers of this ink use animal glue as a binding agent. 
  • The longer the ink stick is aged, the more expen
Tech Insider
  • The world is full of pricey fabrics and textiles.
  • These fabrics are made by experienced craftspeople who's work takes decades to perfect. 
  • Many of these textiles are gathered from materials in the natural wo
Tech Insider
  • Bespoke shoes are designed to perfectly fit your feet.
  • A handmade pair can take months to make and can cost over £5,000.
  • The sole is stitched on, instead of glued, so the shoe can be repaired multiple