
Virgin Galactic has responded to Boeing’s lawsuit, which accuses the company of retaining its trade secrets. In response, Virgin Galactic has filed a lawsuit of its own, blaming Boeing for repeated failures that ultimately led to the termination of their commercial partnership.


Tech Insider
the sun glowing yellow-orange orb in black space covered in roiling plasma with two dark large spots
The sun develops coronal holes, one of many forms of solar activity that could peak this year.
Tech Insider
On left is an illustration of the James Webb Space Telescope. On right is an illustration of a brown dwarf with an aurora at its north pole.
Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have found evidence to suggest aurora on brown dwarf W1935.

The Webb Space Telescope has spotted something weird: a brown dwarf with what appear to be aurorae, what we Earthlings sometimes call the Northern Lights. What makes the observation particularly surprising is that the brown dwarf doesn’t have a nearby star that could cause such an aurora.


Tech Insider
A composite image shows a STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement) and the Milky Way at Childs Lake, Manitoba, Canada.
This composite image shows a STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement) and the Milky Way at Childs Lake, Manitoba, Canada.
Gizmodo : Environment

A strong geomagnetic storm will hit Earth tonight following a significant solar flare that occurred on Tuesday, NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center reported today.


Gizmodo : Environment

Radio emissions detected about 24,855 miles (40,000 kilometers) above a dark region on the Sun have aurora-like qualities, according to a team of astronomers that studied the emissions.


Gizmodo : Environment

Feast your eyes on Uranus’ glowing edges. We’re serious—a team of astronomers has spotted a new aurora on the seventh planet from the Sun, glowing at infrared wavelengths.