Tech Insider
data analyst and Break Into Tech founder Charlotte Chaze wears a white shirt and white blazer and jeans as she poses near a framed picture
Charlotte Chaze says others who aren't self-employed probably shouldn't follow her example in posting their salary histories on LinkedIn but they can be more open about sharing that information with their friends and coworkers.
Tech Insider

We made it to Friday, friends. I'm Diamond Naga Siu, and I don't drink alcohol. I know sobriety is a pretty personal conversation for a lot of people. And it used to be something I hid by pretending to take shots or by making up an excuse about medicine.

Tech Insider
Group of people standing in circle holding cash
58% of young professionals between ages 21 to 42 are not happy with their current salary, a new study found.
Tech Insider : Politics
Rep. George Santos of New York in his office ahead of the State of the Union address on February 7, 2023.
Rep. George Santos of New York in his office ahead of the State of the Union address on February 7, 2023.
Tech Insider : Economy
return to office 2
Workers in the US now want at least $76,000 to start a new job as minimum wage expectations continue to rise in a red-hot job market.
Tech Insider
Bain is reportedly offering new MBA hires tens of thousands of dollars to delay their start at the consulting firm.

You like your vacation days? You like your little paid scraps of freedom, personal leave, and sick time that allow you to indulge in frivolous human needs like going to the doctor, seeing faraway family, or resting when ill? Well then, you better not fall behind at work, because all of it could legally disappear in an…